Table of Contents

Keyboard Shortcuts

Below are the keyboard shortcuts for Musink. If you find a shortcut is not working, ensure that CAPS LOCK is off.

For Template Editor keyboard shortcuts, see Keyboard Shortcuts.

Standard Operations

Function Keys Note
New Project Control n
Publish Control p
Save Control s
Open Control o
Undo Control z
Redo Control y
Copy Control c
Cut Control x
Paste Control v
Help F1 Version onwards
Exit Application Control F4


Function Keys Note
Cancel Escape
Close Window (Cancel) Escape Version 1.2 onwards
Close Window (OK) Enter Version 1.2 onwards
Delete Bar, Note, mark etc Delete
Delete Bar, Note, mark etc Backspace
Move up or down Up-Arrow or Down-Arrow


Function Keys Note
Add Guides Shift + Mouse must be hovered over a guide note
Add Guides + (Numerical Keyboard) Mouse must be hovered over a guide note
Add Guides = Mouse must be hovered over a guide note
Fewer Guides - Mouse must be hovered over a guide note
Hide Guides Hold Shift key Hides guides as long as key is pressed

Notes and Rests

Function Keys Note
Round Notehead Family Shift O Changes the notehead shape
X-type Notehead Family Shift X Changes the notehead shape
Triangle (Percussion) Notehead Family Shift P Changes the notehead shape
Rest r Changes a note to a rest
Rest Shift R Changes a note to a rest
Short-Note Notehead (eg. An X or an o) q Changes a whole- or half-note to a shorter note
Whole-Note Notehead w Changes a note to a whole-note
Half-Note Notehead h Changes a note to a half-note
Stems Down Control Up-Arrow
Stems Up Control Down-Arrow

Marks & Text

Function Keys Note
Tie Selected Notes t Select two or more notes before pressing this shortcut
Add Offsetting Text Shift T
Change Time Signature Control+Shift T Select bars before pressing this shortcut
Staccatto Fullstop Select one or more notes before pressing this shortcut
Accent Exclamation mark Select one or more notes before pressing this shortcut
Accent Shift Exclamation mark Select one or more notes before pressing this shortcut
Sharp # Select one or more notes before pressing this shortcut
Sharp Shift # Select one or more notes before pressing this shortcut
Flat b Select one or more notes before pressing this shortcut
Natural Shift N Select one or more notes before pressing this shortcut
Add Key Signature k


Function Keys Note
Play/Stop space Plays the piece back from the position of the mouse


Select a note or rest from the tuplet you wish to change before pressing these shortcuts.

Function Keys Note
Auto Tuplet type Control 0 Tuplet based on the time signature
Dotted Whole-Note Tuplet Control+Shift 1
Whole-Note Tuplet Control 1
Dotted Half Note Tuplet Control+Shift 2
Half-Note Tuplet Control 2
Dotted Quarter Notes / Three 8th Notes Control+Shift 4
Quarter Note Control 4
Dotted Eighth Note / Three 16ths Control+Shift 8
Sixteenth Note Control 8
Eighth Note Triplet Control 3
Eighth Note Pentuplet Control 5
Eighth Note Sextuplet Control 6
Eighth Note Septuplet Control 7
Eighth Note Nontuplet Control 9