Creating books in Musink is a simple as writing music and choosing the appropriate publishing options. Of course, unlike standard sheet music, books have additional requirements that you should keep in mind when publishing.
Make use of sections. If you are writing an exercise book, put each exercise in a new section. Alternately, if your book has several chapters, put each chapter in a new section. You can set sections to start on a new page, if wanted, in the publishing window.
Some books have a special first page for each chapter. For example, the first page of the chapter may have a large title. If you want a special first page for each chapter you can:
Books require gutter margins so that, once bound, whitespace around the content is equal on all sides. Ensure you choose a template that 'book' in its title. You can search for these in the template browser by using the keyword 'book' or searching for books with Diff Even/Odd Pages.
Make sure you check the page size you are printing on matches the page size of your template. You can search for templates with the correct page size in the template browser. Also read the note on resolution.
PDFs and XPS documents created with Musink can be resized without any loss in resolution. This works for pages of the same proportions only (e.g. A5 to A3). Attempting to resize a page to one of different proportions (e.g. Legal to A4) will result in your work containing whitespace or appearing incorrectly. PNG documents can not be resized without loss of quality.