Using Musink Pro Offline

Note that terms of your license are available on the primary Musink Site.

Musink needs the internet to regularly check whether your license is valid or in use by someone else. Your license allows a certain amount of time working offline, however.

If you use Musink every day, and are usually connected to the internet when you do so, you should have no trouble.

Tip Musink Pro Eternal Licenses allow you to be offline for longer periods than Subscriptions. If you regularly need to use Musink Pro while offline, consider changing to an eternal license.

If you use Musink infrequently, you should let Musink check your license before you go offline. To do this, simply open Musink, wait ten seconds, then close Musink.

For example, if you are about to take an aeroplane and want to use Musink on the flight, the morning of your flight open Musink, wait, then close it again. When you board the plane later, Musink will let you work offline.

This message means Musink has not been allowed to check your license for longer than your license allows. For example, if you have a subscription that allows 48 hours of being offline and you have not opened Musink in the last 48 hours while online, you will receive this message.

There are three possible explanations.

Your internet connection is not working

Try to search the internet for something. If that does not work, your internet connection is not working. Reconnect to the internet and restart Musink.

Musink is temporarily unavailable

Visit If the website does not load, then the Musink may be temporarily unavailable. Wait ten minutes then try again. If this persists, contact support using the email address supplied when you signed up.

Musink is blocked

Musink Pro may be blocked by your firewall. If you are a school, business, or other organisation, contact your IT department. If you are an individual customer, contact Musink support.

Musink uses an extremely small amount of data to check your license. This is much less than loading even a single webpage. Musink Pro will work well even on a slow connection.